Fees and charge
Joining fee 40 € (paid once).
Annual club membership fee: Adults 120 € / Students 60 €
Joining the club on September or later the year will halve the club membership fee. Joining fee is always 40 €.
Indoor range fees:
One time charge with club equipment 10 €
One time charge with own equipment 5 €
Full season (calendar year) Adults 120 € / Students 70 €
(People with disabilities and retirees pay the student price)
When you join the club, the membership fee is determined according to the time of joining:
January-August, full year membership fee + membership fee
September-October, half-year membership fee + membership fee
Those who join in November-December pay the following year's membership fee + subscription fee
Outdoor ranges are free for use without a charge for all club members.
Use of the indoor range is also free for all underage (under 18 years + who turn 18 years during calender year) members.